Aku baca satu persatu entri yang pernah dicoretkan sejak 4tahun yang lalu, and all i can do is laugh and smile. it was funny, it was really 'growing me'. and im about to delete all posts, but finally i didnt. i left some of it here, to flashback the memories.
oh ya, hari pernikahan saya dengan suami jatuh pada 25 Disember 2011, bersamaan dengan hari natal dan hari ulang tahun kelahiran kakak ke-2. i had a very simple yet beautiful dan sweet wedding day. heres some pics of the priceless moment in my life;

u're still gorgeous! siryesly.
simple and beauty.
u will look moreeee gojes on ur wedding day, dear :)
Tahniah kedua-duanya. Your wedding day may come and go, but may your love forever grow.
ya, thanks a lot. i hope our love keep strong forever :)
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