Friday, August 1, 2008

words deep inside my hEart.

Ya Allah,make my love to you is the most forbidden,wonderful,great,everlasting love forever...and ever.
I am just a not not that good.i am who i am.i hav my own desire,my own words,my own decsion,my own way,my own hope,my own opinion about life.i wud like to thanks upon,and aprcte everything that i hav in life.i will never be this lucky without all the gifts from the Lord,Merciful Allah.with all my heart,from deep inside my heart;saya amat bersyukur dengan setiap nikmat yang telah dikurniakan-Nya kepada saya.sesungguhnya saya hanyalah seorang hamba-Mu yang lemah lagi tidak berdaya,yang meminjam segala nikmat ini hanya untuk sementara.
I let the fate of Merciful Allah.I'll try to catch all the good things in life.will never stop to pray about it.
Thanks Allah.

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