Sunday, July 13, 2008

La Tahzan~jangan bersedih

why should i?
why should i bcme this sad when i heard that unrelevan things about my personal stuff?im too sensetive about that.i dun really mind if that was my weaknses.but that was about my personal.why do people easily talked and create unreleven story about that.i was wondering why??people can say anything bad about me,about my weaknses.but please dun make a story about my personal thing.dat is totally non of their hurts me a lot.tell me that im not good,im a naughty girl,im not caring,im so lazy,im selfish,or whatever bad things about me.i dun really mind about that,bcoz i know that im not perfect.but plz dun tell me about the assumption of my personal things if that was not the truth.dun kill my trust.dun make me never believe the things you do,you said,you not that good,i know i do.but i deserve to my personal stuff when people were talking so wrong about that.let me be the only one who knows the seriously real damn sad i ever felt.that was bcoz when the story went wrong from mouth to mouth.i repeat,i deserve about all of my personal things if people talked about it on a wrong way.


Mohd Sufri Yakup said...

dalam hidup ni first kita hendaklah tahu tujuan kita lahir ke muka bumi ni. menjadi khalifah Allah. mengapa manusia? kerana kita punya kekuatan utk berhadapan dengan ujian dan amanah yg Allah berikan.
hal org lain mengata kita, bercakap sesuatu yg tidak benar tentang kita bih lah dianggap mengumpat dan memfitnah. Alla SWt itu maha adil. kezaliman dan ketidakadilan tak akan dibairkan sahaja melainkan ada balasan menunggunya kelak.
Perihal menghukum bukanlah tugas kita. Leave it to Almighty.
Sabar dan terukan beroda. jadilah diri sendiri. Ikhlaslah dalam segalanya. Andai kata ada yg buruk pd diri kita, mungkin kerana kita dikategorikn perempuan yg gatal atau apa sahaja, ubahlah.
Lihat semula kepada fitrah kita. Menjadi insan yg baik bukanlah mudah. Ianya memerlukan pengorbanan, ilmu yg tinggi dan penghijrahan yg memerlukan jihad melawan hawa nafsu, keseronokkan dan sbgnya.
i believe on you. sy boleh jd kwn awak. kongsilah apa sahaja bersama. Mudah- mudahan insya Allah ia akan lebih merapatkan hubungan kita. Wassalam

ila said...

dear~who'd killed ur trustness?~
what happened dear?
"la tahzan"~
jangan bersedih.
im here. u can share can trust me.
you can lean on me.
i'll lend my shoulder for you to cry on. please sont be sad.
i am always here.